Start using the Personal Growth Monitor

The PG-Monitor can be used in two ways:

  1. As part of an integrated personal development- and improvement process
  2. As a separate license for individual, team and organization development.

In both cases, an integrated culture workshop which is integrated in PG-Monitor program must precede in order for your organization to determine the content on the various axes.

Before the start, we usually organize an enthusiastic kick-off session with a presentation explaining the added value the PG-Monitor has for the participants and how the tool works. During this session there is plenty of space for all the questions there are from your organization.

By means of the culture workshop, the axes of the PG-Monitor are determined jointly with all parties involved. This means that the particular culture is shared and commitment can be requested. It is possible to use existing core values as a starting point, so that the DNA organization is widely recognizable. It is also determined what the follow-up in the meetings will look like and which behavioural agreements are associated with this.

We recommend holding a personal growth meeting per employee at least once per quarter. For greater effectiveness, we recommend a higher frequency.